
Why partnering with Sweet 100 makes sense:

While several factors affect the ability of a restaurant company to succeed, in our experience we have found five constant variables that directly correlate to a restaurant’s success. These five variables are the concept’s viability, operational functionality, economic functionality, real estate site selection, and access to available capital. In creating Sweet 100, our goal was to join forces with the restaurant industry’s best and brightest in an effort to ensure that our investment partners would benefit from the Sweet 100 experience beyond our ability to provide funding for development and growth. Therefore in partnering with Sweet 100, you will be provided access to:

  • The most creative restaurant minds in the industry. Individuals who have built some of the nation’s most well recognized restaurant brands from seed.
  • High-level restaurant executives who have experience operating large national and regional restaurant chains.
  • Restaurant Real Estate Specialists who understand the fundamentals of restaurant real estate.
  • Restaurant industry analysts who understand key industry data and can provide insight into future trends.
  • Access to international expertise and potential partners.